Tuesday, June 24, 2008

*Just bear with me 1 more year, darling!*

It has been quiet at home these 3 days now that mum and D have gone back to Singapore...It hurt so much that day at the airport as we were approaching the departure gate when D started to cry. He didn't cry openly, he just kept rubbing his eyes, trying so hard not to let his tears flow down. He remembered that he's a boy and "boys don't cry"...My own eyes were swelled with tears as I hugged him tight consoling him that he will see me very soon. Eventually, D had to go in and I hate HK airport. Why do they have to make the glass opague? Why can't they have the glass clear so that I can still wave to my son as he approach immigration like that of Changi Airport? *Stupid airport!*
We turned to leave and before we reached the Airport Express, D called...my heart broke for the 2nd time in less than 10 minutes. He just cleared immigration and was at the security check line for the bags. He didn't say much, he just called to call me mummy and to hear my voice so I kept talking, telling him that I love him and that he will meet me soon. What else could I have said? It's too late to bring D over now that hubby and I have decided that we will move back next year. So, we all just have to bear with the situation now. 3 years have passed, so what's another year? Right? I hope it's right but I guess human emotions are definitely more complicated that 1 is less than 3 and thus 1 is easier...

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