Sunday, June 27, 2010

3 weeks...

*Sigh*...3 weeks back in Singapore went back just like that! I am going back to Hong Kong this morning and won't be back again until at least 3 months later. Missing my children so much already.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 embryos inserted

About a month after I started my IVF cycle, I finally had 2 good embryos inserted into the lining of my womb yesterday. Now everything is in God's hands...the embryos need to hatch and attach themselves on the lining of my womb to get all the nutrients they need to grow into babies. I am praying hard for both of them to grow together and stay inside me for at least the next 38~40 weeks.

To be honest, I think the whole process has been not too difficult for least I didn't any complications such as really bad headaches, mood swings and over-bloatedness as some people mentioned. I had minor headaches, no mood swing (my husband said that my mood seems better than before!) and I am not unbearably bloated. Didn't really like the injections and blood-taking though. I have needle marks all over my tummy and arms...*yucks*.

I am rather disappointed with the number of good embryos finally though...I had 10 eggs retrieved out from me and then according to the embryologist, 9 were mature enough for fertilization but after day 2, only 6 became embryos. Then on day 5, only 2 were good enough and the other 4 had to be discarded....That is to say, if I cannot get pregnant from these 2 embryos, I will have to start the IVF cycle all over again...And I don't think we are going to do that. It's too expensive. It's about SGD18,000 for the whole process!