Monday, June 30, 2008

Inspiration from Sex and the City

We are into the last season of Sex and the City and both hubby and I have decided that the character we like best is Samantha Jones, played by Kim Cattrall. I think her personality in the series is fabulous and she will really be good to have as a friend. The part I like best was when she had gone to Miranda's and gave up her long-waited salon appointment to Miranda who needed a salon visit much more than herself. And she even offered to babysit Miranda's baby! What a generous gesture! Also, Samantha was never judgemental of her friends and was always forgiving to the negative aspects of the human nature. And I especially like Samantha because she was never afraid to show off her sexuality both in her language and in her physical ways. It was very interesting and entertaining to watch her go man-hunting.
On the other hand, we both dislike the Carrie character. We think that she was such a brat. She was insecure, difficult, selfish and totally irresponsible as an adult. I hate the part where she would call her friends to complain and wail about her relationships with her boyfriends but never really showed much interests in her friends' problems. She was lucky to have 3 such good girl friends plus a good gay friend. I have to admit, I am envious of her for having this kind of friendships...
For those of you like me who also didn't know, Kim Cattrall is already in her 50s and the rest of the 3 ladies are also in their 40s! Damn! They still look so good! Especially Kim Cattrall! Is it really the effects of Botox that she had claimed to swear by in the movie really true? I am inspired!

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