Monday, June 23, 2008

June Holiday ~ Bye-bye Kagoshima - 10th June 2008

There were just 2 more destinations on our tour this last morning at Kagoshima before we had to catch the afternoon flight back to Hong Kong. The weather turned bad this last day, making the journey up to Kirishima Shrine(霧島神社)very bumpy and difficult for me to play my NDS Lite game. In fact I got quite sick arriving at the shrine and had to take some motion-sickness pills to help me get over it. We didn't spend too much time at the shrine as it really was just a place for us to throw a coin into the offering box and make a wish or two. I didn't make any wish in particular, I just wished that my family will be healthy and happy always. I thank God everyday silently in my heart that my family is healthy and I try to make everybody as happy as I can possibly do.
Kirishima Shrine(霧島神社)

Takachiho Farm(高千穂牧場)
After the visit to the shrine, we went to our last stop for the day at Takachiho Farm where I had the most delicious sausages and softcream. The view from the farm was great too and there was even space for grass-skiing! I bet it will be a really popular place with the kids. Visit the cows and the sheeps, have fresh milk softcream, sausages and then grass-ski...FANTASTIC!

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