Thursday, May 14, 2009

17 Again?

Watched "17 Again" with hubby last Friday after work. It was quite a funny and interesting movie...the male character of the movie was a heart-throb and a very promising basketball player who was attempting to go to college on a basketball scholarship when his girlfriend disclosed to him that she was pregnant. He gave up college and married her instead but felt that he had made a bad mistake and his life sucks and was hoping that he could "re-live" his life again. Miraculously, he became 17 again! In the end, he found out that he regretted regretting his life and tried to win his wife back. Heart-warming ending. :)

The movie made hubby and I asked each other what we would do if we have the chance to "re-live" our lives again from 17. Hmm...interesting, isn't it? Hubby said that he would probably choose not to give up bowling for basketball. As for myself, I think I would have chosen to go into show business instead. I had a brief encounter with that opportunity and I let it go, opted for the "safer", conventional choice of study and then get a "normal" job. Anyway, I think my life would have turned out very different if I had chosen to go on that path. I may even regret it more then? Some people say that it is all pre-destined, everything happens at God's will but I am one that choose to believe that the decisions I make at each point of my life somehow shaped my life until this day. I have many choices and each choice leads to something different...there will always be many "what if" but it really makes no sense to think about them as what is done can never be undone.

Anyway, although I honestly do not regret what I did, I think it would be great to be 17 again. For one, I didn't have to struggle with my weight at that age. I didn't have to watch what I eat, I didn't have to worry about what to wear because I looked fabulous in anything I threw on my body and even more fabulous wearing nothing! ;p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have not watched the show yet. Would probably get the DVD later. Have been seeing Zac's faster all over London of late.

Talking about reliving our live all over again... (getting reflective here), well, I guess all of us have got something that we hope could change along the way but then again, therein lies the irony - we wouldn't be able to know exactly how that would turn out.
