Thursday, May 22, 2008

Travel~ Travel~ London Food

PAUL's range of delicious pastry

I had forgotten to mention about the food we had in London in my previous post, so I'm filling in here before I start my post on Rome.

During our morning walk, I was desperately looking for Starbucks as I needed my morning cafe latte badly. It wasn't difficult, Starbucks was everywhere. However, I found this charming looking cafeteria a couple of shops away from Starbucks and decided that I would try something different. They had a wonderful selection of danish pastry and their cafe latte was GREAT! Better than Starbucks, I must say. They should come open shops in Hong Kong or Singapore.

Fish & Chips

For lunch we tried some traditional English cuisine at a local English pub and restaurant near our hotel at Earls Court. It wasn't a place recommended to us but we found that the food was rather delicious.

Chicken Curry

Can anyone tell me why Chicken Curry which is obviously an Indian cuisine is served at the local English pub?

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