Monday, April 21, 2008

Golf in the rain

Went to play golf at Palm Island Resorts over the weekend with another couple. Had a fabulous time despite the heavy rain on Saturday due to the passing typhoon. Playing golf in the typhoon rain can be quite an experience, something to remember for a long time...
I had played golf while it rained before, but it was no way compared to what we had been through this weekend. Other than the rain, there was no lightning, so it was relatively safe to continue and all 4 of us were good sport even though we were drenched through before the end of the 1st 9 holes. W's wife was really a good sport, quite unlike my previous female golf partner who will never have agreed to play because she would say, "my makeup would be ruined and my shirt will stick to my skin and it would be uncomfortable!" and blah blah blah. -_-
I have always like playing golf as I think golf is such an enjoyable and interesting game. The players are constantly exposed to the natural elements and the results of the game is always quite unpredictable (at least for my case).
I particularly like being away from all the hassle of the urban city and play my golf leisurely, admiring the beautiful greenery, enjoying the natural aroma emitted from the plants and trees. The rain on Saturday gave the course another atmospheric feel which was surprisingly beautiful to me and made me feel romantic.
The typhoon was at its full force that night bringing more strong wind and rain to the resort...but the next morning, it was clear and we had another round of golf before leaving in the afternoon. And when I expect myself to play better, I actually played worse in the clear weather... Maybe I should only play when it rains?


Unknown said...

Golfing in the rain?! That's a first for me. You must really have a passion for golf, don't you? lol

Anyway, I am hesitant about taking up golf. Seems like a very stressful sport to me.

I came across your blog in the Million Blog List and I wonder whether you'll be interested in exchanging links? I'm looking for fellow Singaporeans' sites to be included in my Blogroll in "Singaporean in London".

Let me know at, k?

Oh, this is not a spam comment. Sorry if I gave you that impression. :p

waitingkitty said...

Hey CK, I am not really that passionate about golf but I must say golf is really a very interesting game. Well, it's how you play your game. I especially love the greenery and I play golf to de-stress, so I don't think that it's a stressful game. It can be very difficult to master though but that's why it's interesting.
BTW, I have included your blog in my bloglinks and you can do the same with mine. :D
PS: I just came back from visiting London and Europe this week!