Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Castration for Rapists

What should we do to punish rapists? Especially those who were convicted, jailed, released and then went around raping again? I would think that castration will be the best solution but in Hong Kong, they just give the rapist a life sentence...*sigh*.

Am I being too harsh? But these rapists are obviously dangerous to women! And since they cannot control themselves from repeating the same terrible crime even after serving their sentences in jail, then I think it would be best to give their "manhood" the ultimate life sentence instead. It's not as if they will die from it! Maybe they can still be of service to the society once they are removed from their beastly nature and start to live like a normal human being.

I did some searching and apparently, in Czech Republic, they do castrate repeated sex criminals! And they do it voluntarily! So it will be like..."Do you want to stay in jail forever or do you want to be castrated and go back into the society?" Give the criminal a choice? Is it necessary? Why not just castrate and throw them back into the society? Why use tax-payers' money to feed such beasts? Is the law suppose to protect innocent citizens or to protect the criminals' rights? Why do we have to be so humane to these criminals? I really don't understand...

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