Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th....

In Hong Kong, they call this day "Black Friday" (黑色星期五) and it's really looking black and eerie outside with dark clouds covering the whole city. I had to on the lights to do my make-up this morning even though I opened the curtains which I usually don't have to on a normal morning. The dark clouds have been gathering for the past few days already and today because it's "Black Friday", it's really black...but it's not rainy. It just gives the city an eerie feel like something really bad is going to happen...

BLACK in the Chinese world is always associated with bad luck and death. During the Chinese New Year or any other festive occasions, we are never to wear black but it's almost mandatory to wear something RED. Why is black bad? I personally like black alot. I have many black clothes, shoes, bags and even accessories. Today, I am wearing black and white...

Just read a post from ECL's post on the Korean way of celebrating Valentine's Day. Apparently, the Korean and the Japanese have the same culture of the girls giving the guys chocolates during Valentine's Day to express their love and then wait until White Day (14th March) for replies! And in Korea, there's a "Black Day" which is the 14th April for those people who did not have any dates on both Valentine's Day and White Day to go out and console themselves! This is so interesting. So Black is also associated with being out of love?

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