Monday, November 10, 2008

Winter is finally here?

It's finally getting cooler in Hong Kong today. It was 17 degrees Celsius this morning, 2nd week into November and finally I can wear boots! The cooler months are getting shorter and shorter in Hong Kong and because of global warming, it is said that in about 20 years' time, Hong Kong will have no more winter...And it seems that this city is not doing much about conservation. All of its buildings with central air conditioning systems are overly air-conditioned. Although the government's recommendation for room temperature is 25.5 degrees Celsius, most of the buildings have their aircon temperature set much below that benchmark. The amount of electricity this city consume is crazy, yet more buildings are being built, each taller than the previous ones, each made grander by the amount of lights it uses, each with aircon cooler than before...

An ex-colleague who has moved to Geneva with her husband and baby daughter earlier this year was back for a short holiday. We met up and the first thing she commented was the air pollution in Hong Kong. She said that she didn't realise the air in Hong Kong is so bad until she went to Switzerland and the air quality there is just out of this world. Her baby daughter developed rashes in just 2 days being back...poor baby.
According to weather forecast, we are going to have below 20 degrees Celsius temperature for most mornings this week. So I guess winter is finally here. :D

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