Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Going into week 11

Going into week 11 now but still very sleepy at the office...In fact, I was so sleepy yesterday that I couldn't wake up in the morning and had to go to the warehouse late...reached around 11:20am. I have been having these weird wild dreams lately. Dreamt of swimming, eating really bland-tasting foods that my MIL made for me and also dreaming of having another poodle to mate with Coffee...I would wake up in the middle of the night and when I fell asleep again, the dreams would sort of continue from where I had stopped. Funny.

I am also having this very painful ache at the tailbone since yesterday. Couldn't sit down at my desk for long, had to stand up and walk around every now and then...awkward. S gave me a link to a Pilate instructor's blog and she had a couple of exercises that pregnant women can do from the 2nd trimester, so I think I will start on that once I am into my 13th week. I think it will be good for me. I have gained 5kgs so far and my appetite is really good. So at this rate, I think I am going to be overweight very soon if I don't look after myself. I definitely don't want to be more than 70kgs at the end of it again!

Oh, the grade for my 13th subject was out, I have mananged to score another B+ which is good enough for me. My 14th subject's final exams will be this weekend and I hope to get at least another B. I am currently also studying Supply Chain Management and will start on Corporate Social Responsibility in Sep. Then if I start the 17th (Management of Services) and 18th (Capstone) subject in Oct, I will be able to finish my MBA in Jan 2011, before the baby arrives! It will be really tough but I guess if I were to drag until the baby comes along, it will be even tougher...so *sigh* I hope I will be feeling energetic in my trimester so that I can deal with it.

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