Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A good day

Today is one of those rare days where everything feels good from the moment I woke up. First of all, I finally woke up without aches and pain all over my body, unlike the past 10 days when I had symptoms of flu and rheumatism add together...sore throat, running nose, teary eyes, aches and pain in all the joints of the body. Today I felt good, no aches and my skin felt much moisturised after a night of Laneige's Water Sleeping Pack, even my hair seemed to fall into place nicer! The traffic was exceptionally smooth too, didn't meet any traffic lights until the very last one and we made it to work 4 minutes earlier than usual. And I received a call from Shanghai that really made my day. It was J and he thanked me for helping him get his request for additional manpower and equipment approved by HQ. I am sure glad that I was of help. Feels good that HQ actually asked for my opinion and respected it when I gave it.

Come to think of it, the good feeling that I am having now actually started from last evening when I had a meeting with the rest of the Japanese managers and head of departments regarding the appraisal reviews of our staff. I was as usual the only female and non-Japanese head of department and it makes me feel good every time. I recommended 5 of my staff for promotions and they all respected my decision with no challenge at all which was really rare. Some of the other guys who had given a grades for their staff were openly told off which was actually quite embarrassing...

Oh I treasure days like this ~ makes waking early up and coming to work feels worthwhile. :)

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