Monday, January 17, 2011

A milestone year...

I am 40 years old now...birthday was yesterday. I think this year is quite significant to me, sort of like a milestone year for me...Accomplished many things that I have been wanting to do for so many years.
  1. I am finally going to attain MBA! This life agenda has been kept away at the back of my mind for at least 15 years and thanks to hubby who found this online program which was perfect for me and thanks to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong who sponsored 50% of my tuition fees, I am finally going to complete my studies by this coming weekend! It took me exactly 2.5 years!

  2. Hubby and I are going to have a baby boy in March! It is not easy for me to have another baby as I am already ligated. The only option I have is to do IVF and with God's blessings, I got pregnant with the 1st trial! Om Sai Ram! Thank you, Baba!

  3. Both hubby and I have settled back in Singapore after being away working in Hong Kong for the past 5.5 years. We are a complete family now with everyone dear to us under one roof!
  4. Hubby bought me the Tiffany diamond ring that I have been eyeing for the past 3 years! We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary this year!

I guess this will also be a milestone year for hubby and the kids too. N will be taking her GCE 'O' Levels examinations, D is in Secondary School now and hubby has completed his masters and looking for a new job. Exciting year for all of us!

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