Friday, January 7, 2011

Just 1 more exams!

The results for CSR were out yesterday, another B+. Now I have just 1 more exams and a Capstone Project submission on the 3rd week of Jan and I am done with my MBA studies. Hooray! Can't wait for the time to come! At the meantime, I am really stressed out with the discussion board submission obligations and the final team assignment for Service Management.

N and D have started school this week as well and D seems particularly happy with being a Secondary School boy now. It's still orientation week for him and he's deciding which CCA to take. Will be going to the CCA recruitment fair with him this Saturday and hopefully he can decide by then... N is feeling the stress as this is her GCE 'O' levels year and she has a lot to catch up on her studies, especially Maths.

Anyway, I will be travelling one last time next week and hopefully will be able to rest well until my due date in March. There's so much to organise at home too! Still fretting about the place to put the baby cot...our room is really too small...all other bedrooms are occupied...where will he sleep when he grows up? Oh well, will fret about that later.

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