Monday, May 2, 2011

Love is His Form

Went to the memorial service for Bhagawan Sri Sathay Sai Baba at the convention center of Singapore Polytechnic on May Day and paid my last respects to my beloved Baba. He has blessed and given me so much these past 12 years since I met Him that I really could not hold back my tears at the service. I know that He is omnipresent and although He has left His human form, He is still lives in our hearts and we should continue to live our lives as He has taught us. I don't really know why I always cry when I see Him, whether in person or in photo, I will always cry...I cry even thinking of Him...I remember when I first see Him in India, I just broke down and cry! And when I got the chance to actually meet Him in an interview, I cried even more! He told me that I have a monkey mind, very unstable, sometimes high and sometimes low, and He shook his head...then He said He will bless me...and He said "very happy"! I knelt down and kissed his feet, I wanted Him to forgive all my sins, that was what the other devotees were telling me...that if I have a chance to kiss His feet, that means I will be forgiven. So, I guess I have been forgiven...

The service was more of a tribute to Baba, they showed a documentary video of Baba's works which was really inspiring. It inspired hubby and he said that he would like to do some volunteer works. He is checking out what he can do. As for myself, I am trying to live my life with love everyday as what Baba has taught me. To try my best at everything I do, to do service to my family, to love my husband, to love my mother, to love my children, to speak softly and use gentle words, to never hurt anyone with my words or actions, etc. I have many responsibilities at hand and much discipline to practice. I need to make myself a better person in whatever capacity I am in, to be a better wife, a better daughter, a better mother, a better daughter-in-law, a better staff to my boss, a better boss to my subordinates, a better citizen to my country, a better friend to my friend, etc. I have so many roles to play and I need to play all of them better!

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