Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I need a bigger house

It's September already! And baby J is 6 months old! He's getting chubbier, cheekier and cuter by the day and I am really enjoying myself seeing him grow each day. And I would really love to be home with him more so that I can do all sorts of activities with him...

The aircon in our bedroom is spoilt, it is dripping water and it's too near to the bed...The aircon guy can't come to fix it until next Tuesday, which means we will have to either do without aircon or we'll have to put a pail underneath it to catch the water...Hubby has been having trouble sleeping since coming back and the aircon on his side of the bed dripping water and splashing onto him when turned on made it worse.

I think the problem is our bedroom. It is too small! Well, comparing to our bedroom back in Hong Kong, perhaps the present room is bigger, but we didn't have so many other people in our apartment as compared to now! It was basically just the 2 of us and our dogs. So, although our apartment was much smaller, we had much more space than we are having here. The math is simple, when we had just 600 sq.ft nett of space, there were only the 2 of us and 2 poodles. Now we have 1900 sq. ft. split into 2 units and we have 8 people (including baby J) and 2 poodles in our big family...Each of us has less tha 300 sq.ft. of space! We are not living better now, we are worse off and we need to make it better for us sooner...

Watched Sex and the City 2 (movie) on HBO last night and it made me want to have a walk-in wardrobe like Carrie's all over again. It would be a dream come true and it would be heaven! And yes, it's a "want" and not a "need". The point is, do I really need a big house with garden and all? For myself only? No. But for the whole family? Yes. Especially for the dogs, I need a space for them to run around in and yet won't disturb my MIL. I would love to have more space for baby J to play in, I would love to have dinner out in the garden when the evenings are cooler. Perhaps have a BBQ party once in awhile too? I would love that kind of lifestyle...Who wouldn't?

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