Monday, September 12, 2011

House-viewing and wedding dinner

We went house-viewing over the weekend and we particularly liked one of the inter-terraces with 6 bedrooms which fit our needs and wants. The price is reasonable at this point of time too. The only problem is getting my MIL to agree to move there...Unlike most couples, hubby and I do not have the final say in whether we move house or not, we need to obtain agreements from our parents who are staying with us. The kids will just follow us but the old folks will have plenty of opinions. It's good to have dreams though.

I miss the days in HK when it was only just the 2 of us and the dogs. I miss the work environment in HK and I think it will be much easier for hubby to get a well-paying job in HK than here. But I have baby J now and it will be tough for us if we are still in HK...but then again, we will be able to bring him up entirely on our terms. There is really no best situation, is there? I guess we'll just need to balance off with occasional escapades to somewhere quiet and relaxing. A spa retreat at Bintan or Sentosa will be good enough for me.

And we went to hubby's cousin's wedding dinner on Saturday. It was the same old wedding dinner as the ones I have been to since I was a little girl and I really wonder why can't there be anything new? Oh well, it was nice to see MIL and ah pa so happy showing off baby J to relatives. And I notice that MIL takes every opportunity to take a family photo together, especially when big brother-in-law and his wife are around. Maybe we should all go to take a family portrait at some studio someday.

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