Sunday, April 24, 2011

6 weeks on...

Baby J is into his 7th week from today and everything is going well. He has given us his gorgeous smiles, coos, makes good eye contacts and also sleeping through slightly longer (3~4 hours). He is also getting more attached to me as the days go by which is worrying to me as I need to go back to work in 9 weeks. I just hope that he will grow out of this phase soon...physically, baby J has grown quite a bit. From being 3.6kg at birth and 53 cm in length, he is now 5.2kg now and measuring almost 60cm!

As for myself, I have lost 11kg so far but I still need to lose another 9kg at least to be able to get into my old clothes. Will I be able to lose 1kg per week from now? I doubt so.... I will need to seriously exercise and go on a strict diet for that but I am stuck with baby most of the time...I need to plan a schedule...I cannot afford to procrastinate any longer!

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