Friday, April 1, 2011

Breast-feeding and blogging

Baby J is going to be 4 weeks old soon and I am also into the 4th week of my maternity leave. I have not been away from work for so long since D's birth which was like 13 years ago and I feel like a 黄脸婆 as well as a tethered J is feeding so frequently that I have decided that maybe he is not having enough from me, so I have started to supplement him with formula milk once or twice a day. The idea is to have him well-fed so that he can sleep for at least 2 to 3 hours before waking up for feeding. Sadly, I can't really say that it's working as he still cries for my breasts after he finishes the bottle...

Back to the topic of being away from work, I am feeling kind of lethargic actually...12 more weeks to go and I wonder if I will still be keen to go back to work by then! To be honest, I don't think that I am much needed at J needs me more than my work but I need the income...that's the cruel reality of life. When I go back to work, baby J will be taken care by the 2 old folks that stay with us and maybe occasionally by my mum who stays upstairs and also sis-in-law who stays a stone throw away. I am glad I have lots of help but I will still miss baby J when I go back to work...I have grown attached to him as much as he has grown attached to me...that's the problem with breast-feeding! By the way, I am breast-feeding now while I blog and that's one more level up on my multitasking skill. I was also playing "minna no golf 5" on the PS3 yesterday while breast-feeding!

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