Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back at work...

My 16 weeks of maternity leave have officially come to an end and I am back at work from last week. I am not unhappy about going back to work but I miss my baby...being with him 24/7 for the past 16 weeks and breast-feeding have made me a sucker for my baby. How I wish that I can stay home longer with my baby! Before baby J arrived, I was telling myself that I would only spend 3 months fully attending to him and then take the last 2~3 weeks to go for a holiday to rejuvenate myself and that I would wean him off after 3 months...However, I am still breast-feeding up till today and I even try to sneak home during lunch time to feed him!

Back at work, the first task that is presented to me is staff appraisal as well as appraising myself. I have to think of what I have achieved in the past year and give my boss reasons to appraise me better and perhaps promote me? I have afterall held this AGM title for the past 6 years with no GM above me...so I guess it's high time they change my title to GM? To be honest, title is not that important unless I am looking for another job and having the GM title in my CV will probably boost my next salary. Will I start looking for another job? Hmmm...I don't think so...unless I want to look for more challenge and more work that will need me to apply what I have learnt in my MBA course to my work. In this present company, I don't really have a chance to do apply what I have studied and my boss doesn't really care if I have MBA or not...which is kind of sad...

Hubby has started seriously looking for a job about a month or more ago and has yet to receive any offers which is quite demoralizing for him. Initially he had wanted to take a half year break, keep me company during my maternity leave, spend time with baby, watch him grow...Then now that I am back at work and he is still not employed sort of hurt his ego and he is beginning to doubt his decisions...thinking that he should have gone for a MBA instead of a MSc in IT Management. I understand his frustrations but am helpless as to how I can help. I can only try to encourage him and cheer him up. I believe that there are timings for everything and maybe it's just not the right time yet. The right job, the right package will come by eventually...Then his life will be perfect. It is now just 1 step away from perfect although it is a big step...

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