Wednesday, March 2, 2011

@ 38 weeks and anytime now...

Baby J is weighing 3.222kg and his head is quite far down now. I have been feeling some mild contractions these few days and also pressure at my pelvis area. Dr. Heng said I should be delivering anytime now. May not hold until 8th March which we intended to induce delivery because it is supposed to be an auspicious date. Anyway, we'll just let baby J come greet the world at his own timing, it's his destiny.

While I am really looking forward to holding baby J in my arms, I think I am going to miss this feeling of him moving inside my tummy and being pregnant. This will be my last time being pregnant and I hope I can remember this feeling forever. I think life is amazing, how did something so microscopic becomes a baby weighing more than 3kgs in 9 months? Although I had my fair share of pregnancy difficulties such as heartburn, nausea and leg cramps, I think all will be worth it once baby J is born. Like Baba said, all difficulties will pass and after that blessings will follow. I have faith in that. Baby J is a blessing from God and I am truly grateful. I will have a chance to experience parenthood from the start all over again while my other 2 kids are teenagers now! While some may be put off by the idea, I am excited about it. I think it is a rare chance and I really want to treasure every moment of it. Baby J is going to grow up as fast as his older siblings and before I know it, I am going to miss him as a baby, as a toddler, as a child and as a teenager...

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