Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Down with flu and cough

I am down with flu and a bad cough for the 1st time since the pregnancy. I guess I am really tired, especially these 2 months since I came back home...have been flying around and working really hard. The doctor has given me 2 days MC and I figured that it's a good time to take a break, bond with my mum a bit, recharge myself and prepare for another busy festive season of dongzhi, X'mas, New Year, my birthday, then Chinese New Year and finally the arrival of our bundle of joy!

Received the good news of D's posting at 6:40am via SMS from MOE. He got posted to Tanjong Katong Secondary School Express and it's just 5 mins walk from our new place. Hubby is an old boy from the same school and he's proud that D made it. So many old TKSS boys in the family!

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